Gippsland Art Gallery Advisory Group - Call for Expressions of Interest
The Gippsland Art Gallery Advisory Group is formed as an unincorporated Advisory Group to the Council operating under Terms of Reference covering the Art Gallery.
Dec 18, 2024

Wellington Shire Council invites Expressions of Interest from enthusiastic members of the local community to join the Gippsland Art Gallery Advisory Group, to provide advice and feedback to Council on the operations of the Gallery. The Gallery Advisory Group is appointed by Council for a four-year term and meets four times annually.

Expressions of Interest forms are due by close of business Friday 7 February.

Gippsland Art Gallery Advisory Group - Terms of Reference


The Gippsland Art Gallery (hereinafter known as the “Art Gallery”) is categorised by the Wellington Shire Council (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) as a Level 1 Recreation and Cultural Facility, catering for local, district, regional, state and nationally significant events.

The Gippsland Art Gallery is directly managed by the Council, which is responsible for the day-to-day operation, maintenance and management of the facility. In managing this community facility the Council will utilise the input, advice and feedback provided by an Advisory Group.

1. Advisory Group

The Gippsland Art Gallery Advisory Group is formed as an unincorporated Advisory Group to the Council operating under Terms of Reference covering the Art Gallery.

2. Purpose of Advisory Group

The objectives of the Advisory Group shall be to provide advice to the Manager Arts & Culture or authorised delegate (hereinafter referred to as the “Manager”) representing equally and fairly the views, requirements and aspirations of the community in relation to:

2.1 Planning and monitoring of programs, events and activities in the Art Gallery

2.2 Expansion and encouraging of volunteer participation and community interest in the Art Gallery, and to assist with promoting the Art Gallery’s events and facilities to visitors

2.3 Proposed acquisitions to, and de-accessioning from, the collection of the Art Gallery for values of $5,000 and over

2.4 Maintenance, augmentation and development of the permanent collection of the Art Gallery

2.5 Cultural and artistic matters relating to the Art Gallery, including promoting cooperation between the Art Gallery and other services of Council

2.6 Utilise networks to obtain support for the Art Gallery, both financial and non-financial, and to assist with philanthropic support of these activities

3. Composition of Advisory Group

3.1 The Gippsland Art Gallery Advisory Group shall consist of nine persons, comprised as follows:

Community Member to act as Meeting Chair (1)

Councillor Representative (1)

Art Educator Representative (1)

Practicing Artist Representative (1)

Friends of the Gallery Representative (1)

Additional Community Members (4)

Art Gallery Director (ex-officio)

Voting rights run with all of the above other than the Art Gallery Director.

3.2 All appointments shall be for a period of three years, or until the Council deems that the Advisory Group is to be discontinued. No community member shall serve more than two consecutive terms on the Advisory Group if other suitable applicants exist. In the case of a Councillor, the appointment shall be for that particular Council year.

3.3 In the event of a vacancy, the vacating Member of the Advisory Group shall be replaced by a person drawn from the same membership category in clause 3.1 as the vacating member, if at all possible. In selecting membership, Council shall satisfy itself that no one interest group is over represented, and the membership has sufficient diversity to reflect the broader community needs.

3.4 The Advisory Group shall conduct regular quarterly meetings, unless otherwise required.

3.5 The selection and appointment by Council of representatives to the Advisory Group, other than Councillor representation, shall be in accordance to the following process: 3.5.1 Applications from public advertisement seeking expressions of interest from suitable people

3.5.2 Response to key criteria, evaluation of skills, qualifications, experience, personal interests in visual arts, other relevant background

3.5.3 Interview process by management, with recommendations on selection of members to be presented to Council for approval.

3.6 Nomination to the Councillor position will be selected by Council.

4. Powers, Functions and Limitations

The Advisory Group is not by virtue of this Term of Reference constituted as an agent of the Council, nor does it have the power or authority to enter into any contractual arrangements on behalf of itself or Council.

To avoid conflicts of interest, members of the Advisory Group shall not have their artworks acquired for the Gallery’s collection during the term of their appointment.

To further its purpose, the Committee has power to do the following:

4.1 To recommend for the Manager’s consideration policies that provide for effective and efficient Art Gallery and visual arts programs.

4.2 To make recommendations to the Manager concerning the Art Gallery’s events and activities.

4.3 To liaise with the community, to make enquiries, canvas public views and prepare information for the Manager regarding the Art Gallery’s programs and exhibitions.

5. Reporting and Performance Monitoring Requirements

5.1 Gallery staff shall make and maintain proper minutes of all Advisory Group meetings and discussions, copies of which shall be provided to the Council.

5.2 The Manager or delegate shall act as Secretary to the Advisory Group.

6. Confidentiality

Members of the Advisory Group shall be bound by the provisions of Section 125 of the Local Government Act 2020, in relation to confidentiality. In this regard, members are expected to maintain confidentiality of information in relation to confidential matters that may be under consideration from time to time, particularly those matters of a commercial in confidence nature.

7. Indemnity of the Council

The Council indemnifies members of the Advisory Group against any action, liability, claim or demand (whether arising during or after the term of office of the member), in respect of any act or thing done or omitted to be done in good faith, in the exercise or purported exercise of any function or power conferred on the Advisory Group or member of the Advisory Group, in accordance with this Term of Reference.

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