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Past Display
Mar 5, 2022
Jun 5, 2022
permanent exhibition
'Gifted' is a celebration of the culture of giving at the Gippsland Art Gallery.

Since collecting began in 1965, over 95% of the Gippsland Art Gallery’s permanent collection of over 3,000 objects has come by way of either direct donation or purchase with donated funds. As such, the collection is truly a community collection—built by the people, for the people.

It is the culmination of years of support for the Gallery, from both within Gippsland and from outside the region, through the munificence of benefactors who have desired to share their love of art with the wider world.

On the occasion of the formal launch of the Gippsland Art Gallery Foundation, Gifted presents a selection of gifts to the Gallery drawn from the last fifty-six years, but with an emphasis on works received or purchased with support from the last five.

Gifted is a celebration of the culture of giving that has defined the Gallery since its inception, enabling it to grow and to truly represent the art of Gippsland for today’s and future generations. It is an exhibition to inspire and delight, and to reveal the depth of generosity that has given birth to the Gallery we all enjoy today.

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